J. Sebastian Marin

Sebastian Marin
Academic Background: Bachelor of Science in Public Health (BSPH) with a minor in Psychology from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Where I’m From: Bogota, Colombia
Public Health Interests: I am interested in improving sexual health and well-being among historically marginalized populations such as LGBTQ+ and Latino Communities. Although my areas of interest include substance use, kink-informed health services, sexual pleasure, and sexual behavior associated with social connectedness, I have been deeply involved in HIV prevention and treatment.
Public Health Experience: I have been actively involved in improving HIV testing services on campus and in the Charlotte metropolitan area (CMA). I have championed a low-barrier HIV/STI testing campaign for college students in partnership with community-based organizations since 2021. Moreover, as a research assistant at the Academy for Population Health Innovation, I have co-led the design, implementation, and evaluation of the 2nd and 3rd Mecklenburg County Intercollegiate HIV and STI Awareness Campaign. In addition to my work on local college campuses, I serve as a voting member for the CMA’s Ryan White Planning Body and community advisory board for RAO Community Health. Prior to relocating to Charlotte, NC, I immersed myself in San Francisco’s rich culture by working at the San Francisco AIDS Foundation for LGBTQ+ rights activists and HIV advocates, such as Clive Jones. This experience expanded my understanding of how social circumstances influence one life choices, severely impacting historically marginalized communities and contributing to adverse health outcomes.
Why I chose the MPH program at UNC Charlotte: I recognize I could benefit from advanced academic training to improve my qualitative and quantitative skills to address public health problems effectively. Thus, earning a master’s in public health (MPH) is a critical next step to achieving my professional goals. I chose UNC Charlotte because of networking opportunities with local community-based organizations, exposure to HIV-related research, and mentorships. Moreover, the MPH’s mission and curriculum align with my career goals, providing me with the knowledge and tools to become the next generation of public professionals.
More About Me: Some of my extracurricular interests include camping, live music events, and organizing movie nights.