Andrea Smith

Andrea Smith

Concentration: Epidemiology

Academic Background: B.S in Information Technology from Tuskegee University

Where I’m From: Charlotte NC

Public Health Interests: Cancer: Pancreatic, Ovarian, Breast

Public Health Experience: My past public health experience consists of being a Pharmacy Technician for CVS, a Therapy Department internship at Pruitt Health Nursing home, and Community Garden volunteer.

Why I chose the MPH program at UNC Charlotte: I chose this program because it fulfilled my needs of higher learning after completing my Undergrad, and deciding to come back home. It has the credentials/accreditation and student resources to help me obtain my career goals, and it was recommended by an alumni.

More About Me: In my spare time I love to paint, crochet, exercise and or be outdoors, listen to music/curate playlists, and most of all spend time with family and friends – especially watching a good movie. Aside from school and my other hobbies, I redesign home spaces and complete projects unique to them.
