Internship Stories
BSPH Internship Stories
Donya Abosaba

Class Year: 2023
Hometown: Wilmington, NC
Organization: Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)
Location: UNC Charlotte
Title of the Position: Public Health Intern
“My internship at CAPS has been an enriching experience of being able to develop my own programs and gain practical experience in mental health outreach.”
Precious Ikejaku

Class Year: 2023
Hometown: Raleigh, NC
Organization: Boys & Girls Club
Location: Charlotte, NC
Title of the Position: Intern
“Interning at the Boys and Girls Club gave me the opportunity to educate and plan emotional wellness programs for school-aged children.”
Katie Gunzenhauzer

Class Year: 2023
Hometown: Pittsburgh, PA
Organization: Trees Charlotte
Location: Charlotte, NC
Title of the Position: Intern
“Spending time in the field with Trees Charlotte is different from sitting in a classroom, but I love that I can always find connections between the two experiences. I never imagined early in my career I would get involved in an organization that I am so passionate about, but it’s brought clarity to my post-graduation plans.”
Mira Kaskas

Class Year: 2023
Hometown: Raleigh, NC
Organization: Office of Emergency Management
Location: UNC Charlotte
Title of the Position: Intern
“This internship greatly influenced me to pursue a career in public health as it relates to my newfound interests in program planning and project management. I enjoyed the ability to have a major role within the Niner Ready Program as it pertains to outreach, and I am proud of the confidence I gained through this experience.”
Wah Su Oo

Class Year: 2023
Hometown: Carrboro, NC
Organization: Carolina Refugee Resettlement Agency
Location: Charlotte, NC
Title of the Position: Intern
“Interning at the CRRA helped me gain some experience within the field of Public Health. I was able to learn more about refugee and immigration policies, program planning and different cultures.”
David Rodriguez

Class Year: 2023
Hometown: Charlotte, NC
Organization: Camino Research Institute
Location: Charlotte, NC
Title of the Position: Research Assistant
“My experience at Camino was nothing short of amazing. The experience gained and people I met will forever be cherished as I move forward in my journey of life.”